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biodiversidade brasileira

A Vitrine da Biodiversidade Brasileira.

Conheça a VBIO.

A VBIO é uma plataforma de bioeconomia que auxilia organizações na captação e destinação de recursos para projetos da biodiversidade brasileira.

Em nossa vitrine, apresentamos uma curadoria especializada para que os mais inspiradores projetos do Brasil recebam recursos de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e adequação legal de apoiadores em todo o mundo.

Como funciona a VBIO?

Ao aproximar empresas apoiadoras e instituições proponentes, conseguimos tirar os mais inspiradores projetos do papel e torná-los realidade.


Essa parceria proporciona uma melhor qualidade de vida às comunidades tradicionais, através da capacitação das pessoas e do desenvolvimento de ações de conservação das espécies de fauna e flora e dos recursos naturais brasileiros. Nossa curadoria também possibilita às empresas apoiadoras o cumprimento de obrigações legais.


E para sua segurança, acompanhamos a execução e prestação de contas do projeto periodicamente, além de colaborar para a divulgação da parceria em redes sociais e eventos.

Who are the proponents?

Proponents can be local cooperatives and associations of family and/or traditional farmers, universities, and large research institutions. They must necessarily be legally constituted organizations and duly qualified to propose and execute projects. 

Do you have any projects aimed at the valorization of Brazilian biodiversity? Access our proponents’ area and find out how to become a proponent. 

Who are the sponsors?

Sponsors can be representatives from various sectors of the Brazilian and global economy seeking the best strategies for investing in biodiversity, whether through legal compliance or voluntary action.

After registering, you will have access to our complete project showcase, where you can select and reserve the shares you want to sponsor.

Nossos apoiadores.


Our projects are focused on Brazilian biodiversity, but also involve topics such as: women’s empowerment, food security, water availability, education, community development, appreciation of knowledge and much more.

Nascentes do Rio Oricó

The main objective of the project “Geração de renda em Agroflorestas da Mata Atlântica” is to promote income generation and encourage entrepreneurship for family farmers by structuring the cupuaçu production chain. 

Em execução

Rede Amolar

The “Restaura Caatinga” project’s main objective is to strengthen the restoration production chain of the Caatinga biome, through the dissemination of knowledge and the planting of native seedlings. Thus, it is expected to promote a positive cycle, by mobilizating stakeholders and local communities, generating opportunities based on the conservation of the most biodiverse semi-arid region in the world. 

Em execução

Cerrado Sustentável

With the objective of promoting socioeconomic development based on sustainable agroextractivism in the Cerrado biome, the project will provide training to family farmers and establish a socio-productive organizational structure, ensuring social inclusion and income generation combined with biodiversity conservation. 

Em execução

Frutos do Cerrado

The objective is to strengthen the pequi and coquinho azedo production chains in the extractive communities in the north of Minas Gerais, adding value to the products through technical assistance, improving the processing process and expanding the product storage structure for commercialization. 

Em execução

Mulheres e a cultura do pinhão

The project aims to generate work and income for women in family farming, through training and promoting activities that can be developed with pine nuts on family rural properties, ensuring the sustainable use of this natural resource. 

Em execução

Buriti dos Sertões de Minas

The project's main objective is to invest in the value chain of buriti and other fruits from the Cerrado biome, establishing connections with different marketing channels, promoting synergy among local and regional enterprises, and involving extractive communities... 

Em execução

Irriga Açaí

The “Irriga Açaí” project’s main objective is to increase açaí production in the Alto Turi region, by improving management techniques and enriching açaí groves in upland and floodplain areas. The project places emphasis on the local and regional socioeconomic development for small settled farmers while ensuring the conservation of the species. 

Em execução

Mulheres conservando o Cerrado

The project aims to promote and empower agroextractivist women for the sustainable management of Cerrado biodiversity, promoting their financial autonomy. It also seeks to contribute to the social and political organization of these women in extractive causes, and to the conservation of biodiversity.

Em execução

Carnaúba Sustentável

The objective of the project is to qualify the carnauba production chain through an educational and training process, with the increase of organization, formalization, health and safety at work, productivity and income gains in a carnauba community, to constitute an experience model, with potential for replicability in other wax dust producing areas. 

Em execução


Promote and training Pantanal extractivist women for the sustainable management of Cumbaru (Dipteryx alata), promoting their autonomy in product marketing, and contributing to the social and political organization of these women in extractive causes and biodiversity conservation. 

Em execução


The "Aguapé” project aims to value the efforts of Pantanal women and disseminate traditional knowledge associated with the use of water hyacinth fiber, providing a secure income alternative for the community.

Em execução


The “Pique” Project aims to support the implementation of a pilot Pique (trail) in the Unini River Resex (Barcelos/AM) for the collective management of copaíba (Copaifera sp.), including the processing and commercialization of the oil by the Rio Unini Mixed Agroextractive Cooperative - COOMARU.

Em execução

Castanheiros do Unini

The main objective of the “Castanheiros do Unini” project is to advance the structuring of CAUMORU, a processing plant for Amazon Chestnut (Bertholletia excelsa), expanding production capacity and demand for nuts, and adding value to the final product. 

Em execução


The “Buritizando” Project aims to organize the sustainable agroextractivism of buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) in western Bahia, ensuring income for 50 agroextractivist families, and the conservation of the socio-biodiversity of the Cerrado biome. 

Em execução

Geração de renda em Agroflorestas da Mata Atlântica

The main objective of the project “Geração de renda em Agroflorestas da Mata Atlântica” is to promote income generation and encourage entrepreneurship for family farmers by structuring the cupuaçu production chain. 

Em execução

Produtores de Hypnea

The “Produtores de Hypnea ” project’s main objective is to establish a production system for the macroalgae Hypnea pseudomusciformis in a traditional coastal community, taking advantage of the tourist and educational potential to promote the culture of biodiversity conservation of marine biodiversity and ocean education in the Decade of the Oceans.